Luke 9.23 - I Gave Up Hawaii for Lent!
Luke 9.23 - I Gave Up Hawaii for Lent!
We flew back to Beijing Ash Wednesday, bidding “aloha” to our homeland. Lent is an ancient Christian discipline that can build spiritual strength. Many sincere Christians around the world renounce pleasures to focus on Him these 40 days awaiting His Resurrection celebration. Israel was tested 40 years in the wilderness. God’s True Son was tested 40 days in the wilderness – and won! Today - Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox – the Christian life is to be God-focused. Dying to self and being conformed to the Savior is slow and often painful. Could you grow by giving up something you love too much? Lenten efforts can never save us, if you repent and believe He did that already! It’s a choice to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus. His cross and resurrection work finished our salvation. Now having been saved by grace through faith, discipleship begins with discipline.