Luke 22.14–20 - Receive and Remember
Luke 22.14–20 - Receive and Remember
Jesus commanded two observances for the church: Baptism and Communion (Matt. 28.18–20; Luke 22.14–20). Churches calls these solemn oaths “sacraments.” Both are simple but profound enactments of salvation truths. Baptism symbolizes our start with God, Communion sustains us in the journey. Baptism is once, Communion is often. Baptism declares we have received Jesus – who died and rose for us! Communion remembers His broken body and shed blood. They give a united testimony to Christ. Together they say that redemption is all of Him, through Him, by Him and in Him - without Him we are nothing. Some elevate other practices to a sacramental level and impose them on believers. Foot washing, quiet times, fast days, feast days, might be good and helpful but they are not mandatory. Preaching, prayer, and the sacraments are “ordinary means of grace” instituted by Christ Himself to build His Church.