John 11.35 - Jesus Wept

John 11.35 - Jesus Wept

If you’re abruptly asked to quote a verse from the Bible, and you missed your daily devotions (not suggested!!), but, anyway, here’s a tip….John 11.35. These two words can easily stick in your head, “Jesus wept.” Yet, forever is too short to wrap your head around those two words. God weeping? Go figure?! Verse 33 reads, “he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled.” Jesus is outraged! John uses the Greek word for the “snorting of horses!” Jesus profound grief and rage was not just over his dear friend Lazarus. He would be alive again quite soon. “Rather, the same sin and death, the same unbelief, that prompted his outrage, also generated his grief. Those who follow Jesus today do well to learn the same tension – that grief and compassion without outrage reduce to mere sentiment, while outrage without grief hardens into self-righteous arrogance” (D.A. Carson).

John 11.50 - Too Many Stephens

John 11.50 - Too Many Stephens

Caiphas said of Jesus, “…it is better…that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish" (John 11.50). The exasperated Sanhedrin tried to stop the message of Jesus by stoning His noble servant. The blood of Jesus did not satisfy – Stephen was next – many more follow. Tertullian told the rulers, “Kill us, torture us, condemn us, grind us to dust…The more you mow us down, the more we grow; the seed is the blood of Christians.” More believers were killed in the 20th century than the previous 19 combined. And the numbers keep rising. You can stay informed at Just last week the 28 year old elder brother of one of our Pacific Island fellowship members was killed in Samoa. He was just married, set to graduate from seminary this month, and eagerly waiting posting for his first pastorate. Oh Lord, how long!

John 12.38-41 - Isaiah 1 or 2 or 3?

John 12.38-41 - Isaiah 1 or 2 or 3

I was dismissed from a class in a theological college in Uganda after my first lecture! I dared to believe there was one guy named Isaiah who wrote a beautiful 66 chapter book. I challenged what they’d been taught - that there were at least 2, maybe 3, “Isaiahs.” Behind this fray are vital questions. 1. Can we take the Bible at face value? “Isaiah” occurs numerous times in his book. And, most importantly, Jesus claims Isaiah is the author (John 12.38-41, citing chapters 6 & 53). 2. Can a biblical author vary words/styles during the span of his 40+ year ministry? Central truths abide, growing even deeper as he matured. 3. Can a biblical author name a foreign king (Cyrus of Persia, 44.28, 45.1) more than 100 years before he is born? 4. Is God that big and His Word so great? I think so.

John 13-17 - Practical Trinitarianism

John 13-17 - Practical Trinitarianism

Jehovah’s Witnesses rightly say, “The word Trinity is not in the Bible.” Of course the word “Bible” is not in the Bible either! The word “Trinity” was coined by the ancient church to  describe the indescribable! - the wondrous truth found in Scripture that our one God has revealed Himself in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Believing this truth is not optional, it is necessary to get God right. This is who He says He is! John 13-17 is one of the main Bible quarries from which this truth is dug. Jesus left His followers with these glad truths. Our Father in Heaven is God. Jesus our friend and Lord is fully God and fully man. And the Holy Spirit is God with us. And as we call upon Him in faith we are never alone – Merciful Father, Gracious Savior, Comforting Spirit - God with us!

John 13.3-5 - Status and Service

John 13.3-5 - Status and Service

We expect to see our Head of State riding in a limousine, not dressed in shorts washing the car. In our world, status means being served. “Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands…laid aside his outer garments…began to wash the disciples' feet…” (John 13.3-5). Jesus was fully aware of His exalted status and because of that fully embraced the most humble service – washing feet with water and souls with His own blood. Sure we need to consider efficient use of time and gifting. Can another do it better so you can do what you do best? In three years of walking dusty trails in sandals with his homies, this might have been the only night Jesus got ‘foot duty.’ But He explains, “I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done to you” (John 13.15).

John 14.1,2 - Heaven? Yes!

John 14.1,2 - Heaven?....Yes!

"Gagarin flew into space, but didn't see any god there." Nikita Khrushchev affirmed this certainty shortly after Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, returned to earth in April 1961. Lack of any visible evidence of God or his heaven bolstered the atheism of all good Communists in the USSR. But you don’t need to be a Soviet Communist to question heaven. Even good Christians have doubts. And the closer we brush against death, the questions push in harder. Have you seen Moscow? Russia or Idaho?  If not, how do you know they really exist?  Because you know people who have been there -- trusted people -- and they have told you.  Just because you have never seen a place does not mean it does not exist.  Heaven is a real place. How do we know?  We know because Jesus came from there and gave this amazing book called Revelation…!

John 15.6 - Scare the Hell out of Them!

John 15.6 - Scare the Hell out of Them!

When I was 8 our family moved into our first apartment. One of my chores was ‘checking the mail.’ Our ‘box’ was next to lots of other numbered, locked, boxes. I curiously noticed the key hole of our box looked just like everyone’s. I wondered, “Would my key open any box?” What I did not notice was the apartment manager’s door facing these boxes. Nor did I know he was just inside his door, looking out his peep hole at this new kid. Just as I tried sliding my key into someone else’s box, he came flying out, screaming “Tampering with the mail is a federal offense!” and he was calling the cops! Fortunately, I did not do jail time. But since then I have never thought about opening anyone else’s mail.  Jesus gives his sternest warnings to his disciples here in John 15.