Matthew 27.62-64 - Spin
Matthew 27.62-64 - Spin
Today’s text is about spin – how to ‘nuance’ the truth into a lie. Jesus claimed to be “the truth.” And it seems He remains unavoidably so even after death. He just won’t go away! This scramble to ‘save face’ by the religious leaders should remind us that we can’t get away from Jesus either. Two thousand years have generated lots of spin. He ‘swooned’ on the cross. They went to the wrong tomb. Those women were delusional. The Bible is corrupt. Pastors are hypocrites (Yikes! Too much truth there!). And the modern spin – Christians are homophobes. Spin it any way you want, Jesus is alive! And every one of us is gonna face Him as Lord and Judge. We can keep on spinning to our grave. Or, we can grasp His feet now in humble worship, receiving and rejoicing in the salvation He won for us upon the cross.