Luke 19.42 - Man in a Mob
Luke 19.42 - Man in a Mob
Palm Sunday began with disciples ‘borrowing’ a donkey. Try that when you need to get across Beijing! This ‘holy looting’ starts the most important week in human history. Hundreds acclaimed Him, waving palm branches (symbols of Judas Maccabeus ousting Syrians from the Temple) and shouting ‘Hosanna’ (a cry of revolution: ‘save us from the Romans’). He had come to save them, but no one in Jerusalem could imagine how. This enthusiastic display is called the ‘Triumphal Entry’ – a practice run for Jesus’ return in time-stopping Glory. While the crowds exalted in their agenda for Him, Jesus was probably lost in His own thoughts. Why, those near him must have wondered, would He weep amidst their happy shouts? He bid any who would listen, “Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes” (Luke 19.42)