Luke 19.41 - The Heaviness of Hosanna
Luke 19.41 - The Heaviness of Hosanna
‘Holy Week’ determined the eternal destiny of the whole world. It began with Palm Sunday. That ride on a borrowed donkey sparked events in Jerusalem that God ordained before time. Thousands acclaimed Him, waving palm branches (politically significant since the time Judas Maccabeus drove Syrians out of the Temple). They shouted ‘Hosanna’ - a word freighted with revolutionary expectation meaning ‘save us,’ i.e. ‘save us from the Romans’! Truly, He was coming into their city to save them. But they had no clue how it would happen. Sometimes this enthusiastic display is called the ‘Triumphal Entry’ yet that won’t really happen until Jesus comes again in time-stopping Glory. While the crowds shouted out their agenda for Him, Jesus was probably lost in His own thoughts. Why, those near him must have wondered, would He burst into tears amidst their happy shouts? (Luke 19.41) He alone knew.