Sharing Your Faith in Jesus
Sharing Your Faith in Jesus
Kalahikiola Church
Mark Blair
May 2023
Determining Your Personal Outreach Temperature:
Kalahikiola Church
Mark Blair
May 2023
Determining Your Personal Outreach Temperature:
Sisters and Brothers at Kalahikiola, Let's Read Our Bibles!
″Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another
in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness
in your hearts to God.″ Colossians 3.16
Who pays the rent?
Is there some place that I must / or must not live?
Am I expected to share a home with others, or does my family have our own living space?
If we share a home, how do we share living costs? Food? Utilities? Who does the cleaning? Cooking? Are there are boundaries? Quiet times? Rooms where kids and their toys should not be?
Am I expected to open my home for ministry? How often? Limits on size? Noise? Relations with neighbors.
“Dead Disciples” Acts 5.1-14
“The Acts of the Exalted Jesus done in the Power of the Holy Spirit through His Apostolic Church”
The book of a kind of vast treasure. John Calvin
It is the most lyrical of books…Live in that book, I exhort you: it is a tonic, the greatest tonic I know of in the realm of the Spirit. David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
There is nothing today’s church needs so much as to rediscover the doctrine, spirit, and commitments of the early Christian community. James Boice
It’s not the sixteenth century gospel I’m interested in defending; what concerns me is the first-century gospel…The reason for the outpouring of the Spirit is not to make us feel spiritual. It is not to give us a spiritual high. It is so we can do the job that Jesus gave the church to do. R.C. Sproul
Judgment in Matthew 7
Questions for Preachers
1. Regarding our Message
a. My normal method for determining what topic/text to preach on Sundays is
b. My favorite themes for preaching are
c. The Bible book(s) I have preached most often are
d. The part of the Bible I have preached the least is
e. The issue(s) that determines my choice for topic/text is
Solid Ground for a Sure Faith
Peter to Jesus, "Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" John 6.68
Sufficiency of Scripture
True - No Falsehood in God or His Word
Jesus said, "Your word is truth." John 17.17
Pastor Mark Blair - BICF ZGC English
That might not be the most comfortable, or politically-correct, question you will hear while living under the burden of this Corona virus. But it might be one you need to consider. If not for your own soul, perhaps for the dear ones in the room next door, down the hall, and all across the great nation.
A Statement from the Elders of BICF ZGC
An International Church Perspective
March 2012
Uniqueness of an International Church
An international church is different from the situation in our home countries. In our home countries, individuals may join together with others who share similar viewpoints on most matters of faith and practice. In an international church, we function as a community for all genuine Christians to gather for worship, fellowship, teaching, service and ministry, to grow in our knowledge of and likeness to Christ, and to go out to serve. We focus on the most essential issues of faith and practice, allowing latitude in less essential areas. We need a vigorous faith, adopting rigorous standards of study and interpretation, and yet allowing flexible practice in non-essential matters.