Titus 2.14 - A Church with 4 Members

Titus 2.14 - A Church with 4 Members

A church had a Ministry Fair and Everybody was asked to help. Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it. But you know who did it? Nobody. In the end Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done. Then the Children’s ministry needed volunteers, and Somebody was asked to help. But Somebody got angry about that, because Anybody could have done it just as well, it was really Everybody's job! In the end the work was given to Nobody, and Nobody did a fine job. This continued on. Whenever work was to be done, Nobody could always be counted on. Nobody visited the sick. Nobody gave generously. Nobody shared his faith. In short, Nobody was a faithful member. Finally the day came when Somebody left the church and took Anybody and Everybody. Guess who was left? Nobody.

Titus 3.5 - Is it Fair?

Titus 3.5 - Is it Fair?

A pleasant stranger knocked, as the people opened their door; he smiled and handed them money. He gave no reason, but he assured them it was theirs. The people embraced the giver with deep appreciation, rejoiced with their friends, and couldn’t stop talking about this gift. The man came back the next day with the same generous gift! And, every day that week! They were humbled and grateful. The weeks became months. It became annoying that this gift-giver never made appointments, he just showed up unexpectedly, never respecting their schedule. Sometimes this stranger was very late with their money! One day they saw the stranger coming down the lane from the window, but he dared to pass right by their home. He took ‘their’ gift to the ‘unworthy’ neighbors!! The people ran out shouting at him, “Hey, you, that’s not fair! Where are you taking our money?!!

Titus 3.10 - Three Steps for Unity

Titus 3.10 - Three Steps for Unity

This October BICF will focus on our Unity in Christ. Our text in Titus 3 describes “a person who stirs up division.” Paul applies the instructions of Jesus, “after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him” (Titus 3.10). Three steps, not easy to take, are commanded toward reconciliation and restoration. First, “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone…”  Jesus wants us to face our brothers, not Facebook them! Most conflict among Christians ends quickly when we communicate directly, quickly, and kindly. “But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you…” --- rarely we’ll need mutually trusted friends to help us make peace. “If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church...” --- very rarely, we may need arbitration from church leaders.
(Matthew 18.15-17)

Philemon 15,16 - Paul, a Slaver?

Philemon 15,16 - Paul, a Slaver?

Paul gets bashed by some moderns for his supposed archaic and oppressive views. Yet, we have seen his care for women and children far exceeded his contemporaries. Laying your life down in love for a woman is still not popular today. Paul’s views on slavery are also counter-cultural. True, some slave holders once quoted Paul to excuse their injustices. But they missed the context. Slavery continued – and continues today (more slaves than ever in history!) – not because people followed Paul’s words, but because they did NOT. The small, struggling movement of Christians could not liberate the estimated 60 million slaves in the Roman Empire. But Paul’s words to a Master about his runaway were revolutionary, “have him back forever…as a beloved brother” (Philemon 15,16). Embrace him, don’t execute him! Only a new King ruling an eternal Kingdom could establish such forgiveness, equality, justice, and peace. He did.

Hebrews 2.5-18 - Smiling in the Smog

Hebrews 2.5-18 - Smiling in the Smog

Hebrews 2 presents a grand sweep – from Eden to Eternity – of God’s plan. When the full impact of this message settles in your heart, you’ll want to re-up your allegiance for the cause of Jesus our Pioneer. The Garden of God – long ago lost among the weeds of human rebellion – has a sure future. The rightful owner has crushed that squatter who held us under his sway of fear and mortality. By his own extreme suffering and death He has purchased life, for us, with Him, forever. Our God and Brother is bringing us to glory, even while leading us in songs of praise along the journey. This changes everything. Work, study, family, future, leisure, love, and all of life are now infused with his eternal purpose. Even those days that we’re choking on smog we can say with Him, “I will put my trust in Him.”

Hebrews 3.13 - Hope to See You before Easter!

Hebrews 3.13 - Hope to See You before Easter!

Ok, I’ve gotta admit there is no verse in the Bible saying be in church every Sunday. So, at least we’re blessed to see you twice every year – Christmas AND Easter! You wisely respect the two great saving events of our Lord Jesus Christ – His coming and crowning. I get why you like to sleep in on Sundays…and so many malls, movies, and mimosas! But – full disclosure – following Jesus is an every DAY duty! “Exhort one another every day…that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3.13). We need a vibrant, open, daily relationship with God and Christ-committed believers to stay focused on what is right and best. In decades of trying to follow Jesus, I have never seen any short-cuts or side roads. That’s why I wish you came weekly to worship services AND join a small group!

Hebrews 4.14-16 - Jesus, my great High Priest

Hebrews 4.14-16 - Jesus, my great High Priest

Jesus, my great High Priest,
offered his blood and died;
my guilty conscience seeks
no sacrifice beside.
His powerful blood did once atone
and now it pleads before the throne…
Behold my soul at freedom set;
my Surety paid the dreadful debt.

Isaac Watts, 1709