Hebrews 2.5-18 - Smiling in the Smog

Hebrews 2.5-18 - Smiling in the Smog

Hebrews 2 presents a grand sweep – from Eden to Eternity – of God’s plan. When the full impact of this message settles in your heart, you’ll want to re-up your allegiance for the cause of Jesus our Pioneer. The Garden of God – long ago lost among the weeds of human rebellion – has a sure future. The rightful owner has crushed that squatter who held us under his sway of fear and mortality. By his own extreme suffering and death He has purchased life, for us, with Him, forever. Our God and Brother is bringing us to glory, even while leading us in songs of praise along the journey. This changes everything. Work, study, family, future, leisure, love, and all of life are now infused with his eternal purpose. Even those days that we’re choking on smog we can say with Him, “I will put my trust in Him.”