Philemon 15,16 - Paul, a Slaver?

Philemon 15,16 - Paul, a Slaver?

Paul gets bashed by some moderns for his supposed archaic and oppressive views. Yet, we have seen his care for women and children far exceeded his contemporaries. Laying your life down in love for a woman is still not popular today. Paul’s views on slavery are also counter-cultural. True, some slave holders once quoted Paul to excuse their injustices. But they missed the context. Slavery continued – and continues today (more slaves than ever in history!) – not because people followed Paul’s words, but because they did NOT. The small, struggling movement of Christians could not liberate the estimated 60 million slaves in the Roman Empire. But Paul’s words to a Master about his runaway were revolutionary, “have him back forever…as a beloved brother” (Philemon 15,16). Embrace him, don’t execute him! Only a new King ruling an eternal Kingdom could establish such forgiveness, equality, justice, and peace. He did.