Revelation 1.1 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation 1.1 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation is about Jesus. The Church was being planted around the Mediterranean and prospering in a few places. Rome held its firm grip. A wave of persecution had passed and another deluge was on their horizon. John, the prisoner and Apostle of Jesus, wrote (by inspiration of the Holy Spirit) to believers in conflict. Revelation is a picture book, not a puzzle book. We need to delight in its message not decode it.
He is the Lord among the lampstands, the slain Lamb standing, the Lion opening history, the Leader of God's army, the Lover of His Bride, and the Light and Temple of God. Revelation shines with hope for the people of God from the first to final century. God rules history and is bringing it to His appointed end in Christ, for the good of His Church and the glory of His Name.


Revelation 1.17 - Baby-Sized Jesus

Revelation 1.17 - Baby-Sized Jesus


In churches with statues of Jesus He appears most often in two positions, in a cradle or on a cross. Both poses express vital Gospel-truths. But neither perspective captures His fullness. For this reason some people have a problem with any attempts to depict Him.  There is not enough canvas, pixels, or marble in the whole world to adequately capture His enormity.  The clearest ‘picture’ of Jesus in His present state of glory is recorded by the Apostle John in Revelation 1. John strings together Old Testament images that are fulfilled in Him. Upon seeing our Lord in such heavenly glory John writes, “When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead…” (Revelation 1.17).  So come again to His manger this Advent, wonder at our Creator God who became a helpless child! But realize that Christmas morning is just one glimpse of His infinite glory.


Revelation 1 - Dare we Domesticate our Deity?

Revelation 1 - Dare we Domesticate our Deity?

So, you've got this Christian thing the whole Bible last year (again!) wouldn't swallow a bite that has not been blessed...and the kids have memorized Veggie Tales. Well done. True discipleship demands discipline. But one danger in "spiritual routines" is forgetting that the Christ we "cozy up" with is Almighty God. John served Jesus 50 years before receiving this Revelation, yet he never descended to "been there, done that." When he beheld his friend Jesus - ascended and glorious - "I fell at his feet as though dead" (1.17). When burdened by this world's plight, "I began to weep loudly because no one was found worthy..." (5.4). When quizzed about those in white robes, he defers, "Sir, you know" (7.14). This gracious Apocalypse was given to us through humble John, our "brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient endurance that are in Jesus" (1.9).

Revelation 2 and 3 - Toleration: Old and New

Revelation 2 and 3 - Toleration - Old and New

Donald Carson has some helpful thoughts (Talk: "Must One Choose between Truth and Tolerance?" and ( Text: "The Intolerance of Tolerance" - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2012) that highlight the struggles we share with the Seven churches of Asia. We have seen how out of step these first Century believers were with their surrounding society. Old toleration, according to Carson, means that people who would not tolerate another faith or lifestyle for themselves were happy to live peacefully with those they differ in a pluralistic society. But "New" toleration - seem in Revelation 2 & 3! - says those who disagree with my religion or lifestyle should not even exist! So bombs hew those "other guys" for being Shia' or Kikuyu or Mestizo or Evangelical. Scouts, or churches, or your own business that does not embrace all "lifestyles" should just be shut down! New toleration is no toleration.

Revelation 2.18-29 - Maybe Modern Church problems are Not So Modern

Revelation 2.18-29 - Maybe Modern Church problems are Not So Modern....??

“The more we understand what is represented in these churches, the more we see that John's vision speaks strongly to the church in every age. In many denominations today there is a three-way division. On the one side are those who, at various levels and in diverse ways, seek to live lives of faithful Christian discipleship. These are often labeled 'conservatives,' or 'fundamentalists,' or 'evangelicals.' On the other side are those who, in equal diversity, adopt various apostate or heretical perspectives and behaviors. These are often labeled 'liberals,' or 'radicals.' In the middle are those who, for various reasons, ally themselves with neither side but 'tolerate' the extremes of both sides for the sake of preserving the myth of structural or denominational 'loyalty' or 'unity.' The Thyatiran church is alive and as sick as ever in our day.”

M. Robert Mulholland, Jr.


Revelation 3.7,8 - Lead me, Lord!

Revelation 3.7,8 - Lead me, Lord!

We should want to live life as fully and fruitfully as possible for our Lord's glory. A big piece of the puzzle is being in the right place. With the world as near as the phone in our hands we can often ask, “Should I be somewhere else?!” As someone who has tramped around the world the world a bit we have been helped by deciding to stay at least 3 years in each new locale. This gave us time to settle from the initial euphoria and to recover from the normal discouragements. In the end we have stayed 8,7,11, and now 3½ years in various spots. We also tried to find places to use our gifts. Being productive, in quite different cultures, has made life fulfilling. There is no perfect home on this earth; instead we have looked for a set of problems we could live with!

Revelation 5.9,10 - #selfie

Revelation 5.9,10 - #selfie?

How quickly I have become the old fart out of step with the fast-moving world around me. Seems just a short time ago I looked with pity on my parents who could not understand my long hair, music, and cool ideas. Now I despair the self-absorption around me, in the church, and even inside me. Our world is placarded with the latest "i" gadgets and subways are packed with people compliantly staring at their widgets. Best of all you can take pictures of yourself! Anytime! Anywhere! Pixels capture you with your friends - dolled up, having fun, drinking too much, much driving, even naked in front of the mirror. And when the impulse to share self-mementos is too strong, thank God for the world-wide-web!! How different is the book of Revelation. Not even a 'shout out' to Billy Graham or the Pope, just a zealous focus on a wondrous Lamb.