Hebrews 3.13 - Hope to See You before Easter!

Hebrews 3.13 - Hope to See You before Easter!

Ok, I’ve gotta admit there is no verse in the Bible saying be in church every Sunday. So, at least we’re blessed to see you twice every year – Christmas AND Easter! You wisely respect the two great saving events of our Lord Jesus Christ – His coming and crowning. I get why you like to sleep in on Sundays…and so many malls, movies, and mimosas! But – full disclosure – following Jesus is an every DAY duty! “Exhort one another every day…that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3.13). We need a vibrant, open, daily relationship with God and Christ-committed believers to stay focused on what is right and best. In decades of trying to follow Jesus, I have never seen any short-cuts or side roads. That’s why I wish you came weekly to worship services AND join a small group!