Hebrews 11.10 - Seeking THIS City, Certain of THE City

Hebrews 11.10 - Seeking THIS City, Certain of THE City

As we end our study of Abraham and launch a new ‘church year’ at ZGC, may we hear this fitting challenge:

“I would argue that there is nothing more critical for the evangelical church today than to emphasize the support of urban ministry. The need is great, as is the cost – ministry in city centers is considerably more expensive…If Christians want to reach the unreached, we must go to the cities. To reach the rising generations, we must go to the cities. To have any impact for Christ on the creation of culture, we must go to the cities. To serve the poor we must go to the cities. Many people who are not naturally comfortable in the city will have to follow the example of Abraham. Abraham was called to leave his familiar culture and become a pilgrim, seeking the city of God.”

Tim Keller, “Center Church,” p. 162.

Hebrews 12.29 - Come, Bow Down...

Hebrews 12.29 - Come, Bow Down...

God came that we might come to Him. Scripture is filled with many gracious invitations to come. But we come on His terms! Daniel’s encounter with God reveals His fearsome glory. The God of the Bible is not a cosmic “Mr. Nice Guy,” a mild-mannered domesticated deity. Instead, when people meet God they fall down - struck by their unworthiness and guilt - and these are just partial glimpses of the “consuming fire” (Hebrews 12.29). Only a Sovereign Almighty God can save from sin, end injustice, and restore heaven and earth. And that’s just what He is now doing! He has come so we can come. Advent announces the welcome He offers the world all year round. Come, just as you are – but not to stay as you are. Come, follow His perfect will for your life – not to bless your small dreams. Come, and bow down!

Hebrews 13.4 - Three Letter Word

Hebrews 13.4 - Three Letter Word

We hear it – and see it – all day long nearly everywhere we go. It sells, from soap to sports cars, to the faces – and forms – that deliver our daily news.  It is the theme of our songs and the torment that keeps us from sleep. But it is taboo talk in many churches. So, even though we have the Owner’s Manual, many Christians are modern Corinthians – shaped by society not Scripture. As friends and family suffer from the pains of their permissiveness, our Gospel hope must speak truth to love. It is good, beautiful, and powerful. That’s why the world is so gripped by it. But like any sophisticated device we buy, it is best when used as intended by the Manufacturer. Like any of God’s good gifts, this one is best enjoyed when received as from Him, for Him, and given to lead us to Him.

Hebrews 13.22 - The Main Thing!

Hebrews 13.22 - The Main Thing!

“Hebrews” is a sermon - the most complete sermon for a Christian church we have in the Bible. Jesus preached lots of great sermons, and the Gospel writers give us the “highlight reels.” Luke/Acts gives us the bullet points of the Apostle’s sermons. Most of their messages are for seekers. Hebrews, “a brief word of exhortation” (13.22), is an expository sermon from key Old Testament texts - Psalms 2,8,110, Jeremiah 31, etc. - for an established church. Unlike other New Testament authors who support their ideas with Scripture, this guy primarily explains and applies various Old Testament texts. (Pretty good clue that sermons in churches today should faithfully exposit Scriptural texts!) Then, right here in the middle, he does what good preachers do. He gives a key summary statement so they’d get the main point of what the sermon was about. Hey! Wake up! Here it is!...

1 Peter 1.3 - He is Alive!

1 Peter 1.3 - He is Alive!

Muhammad was 62, Confucius 72, the Buddha 80, and Moses 120 when they died of natural causes. But Jesus was seized and crucified in his early thirties – abandoned by his closest followers.  His shocked followers thought an enormous failure had transpired – man and movement – dead and gone. Faithful women at the foot of His cross had inconsolable grief. Those who murdered Him had smug relief. Satan and his hordes celebrated. But His suffering, ordained from eternity, won eternal life for His people. No human eye saw Jesus rise from death - just as His unseen conception brought His incarnation. So, His silent emergence from the tomb birthed His new life and our endless day. Jesus is still alive. There is no lack of ‘proof,’ only lack of faith. The grave stone was rolled away – not to let Jesus out, but to let us in. Come and see!

1 Peter 4.10 - What is your Gift?

1 Peter 4.10 - What is your Gift?

Just as Moms and Dads get kids to share home duties, so our Heavenly Father has not called us to be pampered guests in His church. We’re all invited and equipped to work like valued family members. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit (Romans 8.9), and He gives every Christian spiritual gifts (1 Peter 4.10).  Since the Church’s primary job is to declare and display God’s Word to a lost world (1 Timothy 3.15), then our gifts help the Word be seen and heard (Ephesians 4.11, 1 Peter 4.11). Gifts are unearned presents, refined by unending practice. Who knew you’d be so great at doing mercy or teaching kids? The “gift mix” of a church is as fluid as its growing membership. “Gathering, Growing, Going” means there is always much to do in ZGC. This is a helpful tool to consider your calling and gifting….



1 Peter 4.16 - What does the Pastor Expect?

1 Peter 4.16 - What does the Pastor Expect?

Simply, there are four keys to a relationship with Jesus Christ. Word – The central event in our services is the exposition of Scripture. With a 66-volume Book of God, a lifetime is too short to know it all. God’s Word is authoritative, saving, life-giving, and practical truth. To know God rightly and to live in His world righteously we must know His Word. Read daily. Worship – We are made to glorify God. Our Sunday praise is practice for heaven! All week long our hearts should sing His praise. One Another – Christians are not Lone Rangers. Words like body, family, army, temple, vine, and household describe our corporate relationship to God. Growing closer to God happens within community. Witness – There are no Secret Disciples. Either discipleship will end the secrecy, or secrecy will end your discipleship. Do those you spend your week with know your Master?