John 17.21 - One
John 17.21 - One?
We in BICF are far from united on lots of issues of Christian faith and practice. (I think that makes us more interesting as a family and more attractive to the world.) But we are arm-in-arm-agreed that Jesus Christ is God and Savior and the Bible is our standard for faith and practice. Biblical unity is being one in “the faith” - God’s truth “once for all” written in Scripture and revealed by the Spirit. We cannot achieve or improve upon Biblical unity. No matter how many verses of “Kum Bah Yah” we sing around the campfire, what God has done in Christ forever stands. When we are brave enough to go beyond superficial “hello’s” we’ll find the great strength and depth of our Unity in Christ gets firmer under pressure. We are one by blood and birth – the blood of Christ and our new birth in His Spirit.