John 12.38-41 - Isaiah 1 or 2 or 3?
John 12.38-41 - Isaiah 1 or 2 or 3
I was dismissed from a class in a theological college in Uganda after my first lecture! I dared to believe there was one guy named Isaiah who wrote a beautiful 66 chapter book. I challenged what they’d been taught - that there were at least 2, maybe 3, “Isaiahs.” Behind this fray are vital questions. 1. Can we take the Bible at face value? “Isaiah” occurs numerous times in his book. And, most importantly, Jesus claims Isaiah is the author (John 12.38-41, citing chapters 6 & 53). 2. Can a biblical author vary words/styles during the span of his 40+ year ministry? Central truths abide, growing even deeper as he matured. 3. Can a biblical author name a foreign king (Cyrus of Persia, 44.28, 45.1) more than 100 years before he is born? 4. Is God that big and His Word so great? I think so.