John 11.35 - Jesus Wept
John 11.35 - Jesus Wept
If you’re abruptly asked to quote a verse from the Bible, and you missed your daily devotions (not suggested!!), but, anyway, here’s a tip….John 11.35. These two words can easily stick in your head, “Jesus wept.” Yet, forever is too short to wrap your head around those two words. God weeping? Go figure?! Verse 33 reads, “he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled.” Jesus is outraged! John uses the Greek word for the “snorting of horses!” Jesus profound grief and rage was not just over his dear friend Lazarus. He would be alive again quite soon. “Rather, the same sin and death, the same unbelief, that prompted his outrage, also generated his grief. Those who follow Jesus today do well to learn the same tension – that grief and compassion without outrage reduce to mere sentiment, while outrage without grief hardens into self-righteous arrogance” (D.A. Carson).