Hebrews 13.22 - The Main Thing!

Hebrews 13.22 - The Main Thing!

“Hebrews” is a sermon - the most complete sermon for a Christian church we have in the Bible. Jesus preached lots of great sermons, and the Gospel writers give us the “highlight reels.” Luke/Acts gives us the bullet points of the Apostle’s sermons. Most of their messages are for seekers. Hebrews, “a brief word of exhortation” (13.22), is an expository sermon from key Old Testament texts - Psalms 2,8,110, Jeremiah 31, etc. - for an established church. Unlike other New Testament authors who support their ideas with Scripture, this guy primarily explains and applies various Old Testament texts. (Pretty good clue that sermons in churches today should faithfully exposit Scriptural texts!) Then, right here in the middle, he does what good preachers do. He gives a key summary statement so they’d get the main point of what the sermon was about. Hey! Wake up! Here it is!...