"Are you Safe from the Virus, Yet Headed to Hell?"
Pastor Mark Blair - BICF ZGC English
That might not be the most comfortable, or politically-correct, question you will hear while living under the burden of this Corona virus. But it might be one you need to consider. If not for your own soul, perhaps for the dear ones in the room next door, down the hall, and all across the great nation.
I am asking this direct question from the safety of the warm side of the Pacific. We are home visiting churches whose prayers and support enable us to serve the Lord in the BICF. (I praise the Lord for our faithful on-site ministry team in ZGC!) In recent weeks we have been in the church Dayna grew up in and I first served almost 40 years ago! Some of the same people are still there serving Him, many have passed, and some have wandered away from the faith - perhaps were never in it? It gives us a painful and vivid reminder that simply being 'in church' does not mean you are 'in Christ.'
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