Mark 4.11-13 - Keep it Simple
Mark 4.11-13 - Keep it Simple
Many a teacher has been urged to be simple like the Master who taught in parables. Sounds good. But a careful look at the Bible says otherwise. Sure, the face value of parables is rather obvious – seeds growing into trees, merchants acquiring wealth, and the careless missing opportunities. This is the stuff of life everywhere. But these tales have a hidden twist. Just a few heard the Kingdom secrets. Many hearers neglected the Gospel truths - they were blind to any glimpse of God. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing only comes by faith. Thousands listened for only what they wanted to hear. They thought Him a Jesus of their own image, who would facilitate their agenda. And they fell short of His promised Kingdom. Those who did enter called Him Lord – His will be done, His Kingdom come. God resists the proud, the humble find grace.