Blair's Ideals and Expectations in Theological Studies


    The purpose of this paper is to help students; (1) to understand my "ideals" as a theologian, and (2) to know my expectations as a teacher. These thoughts do not claim to be a statement for Bishop Tucker Theological College, merely the viewpoint of one teacher. Certain statements may contradict the ideas of my colleagues. In sharing these thoughts I welcome criticism. I want to learn, from students and colleagues, about how to be a better teacher and especially a more faithful disciple of our Lord. 

As I set forth my ideals,  a kind of philosophy of doing theology, I want you to understand my outlook. I would be happy  if you agree with me; yet you may not, I respect your freedom. The second part dictates some specific requirements I have set as a teacher. You will be expected to follow these, they will be the basis of my marking your work.


    My prayer is that we may become more clear and articulate as heralds of the message of the living GOD. Perhaps some may cite Paul's argument in 1 Corinthians 1 that he never relied on the "wisdom of men," which really becomes "foolishness" when exposed by God's wisdom.


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