Genesis 5 - A Bunch of Names
Genesis 5 - A Bunch of Names?
Genesis 5 seems just a list of strange names. But even this text is “God breathed and useful” (2 Timothy 3.16). These were the great names of their day, yet today we can’t even pronounce them. How short and unnoticed a life can be! We see that families are crucial to the faith, passed from grandfather to father to son. History is vital to the people of God; it is His story of His world. Note also the accuracy of Holy Scripture -- not one name is missing; God’s record is perfect. Genesis 5 reveals a faithful, covenant-keeping, timeless, eternal God, who keeps every promise to His people. He has not left Himself without a witness, and knows the name of His people. “A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name” (Malachi 3.16). Is your name recorded there?