Genesis 14 - Getting Involved
Genesis 14 - Getting Involved
“It’s not my problem!...” Sadly, people sometimes knowingly ignore others in great harm or danger, simply passing them by. Then we ask, “Why didn’t somebody do something?” But often doing something can be costly, time consuming, dangerous, awkward, and misunderstood. When should we poke our nose in? Father Abram jumped into a ‘world war’ to extricate his wayward nephew. When should we risk our position, our reputation, or our friendship to say or do something that might not turn out like we hope? It may help to ask four big questions:
1. What will it do for God? Will it extend His Glory?
2. What will it do for His Church? Will it build and bless God’s people?
3. What will it do for others? Will it help them to meet and follow Jesus?
4. What will it do for you? Will it make you more like Christ?