Genesis 37.28 - All Alone? Not Really!

Genesis 37.28 - All Alone? Not Really!

Living in Kazakhstan during the 1990’s we knew many Kazakh brothers and sisters who felt alone. When they dared to follow Jesus they became “dead” to their families, often losing jobs and homes. As the Gospel penetrated that land gripped by atheism and Islam, its impact was seismic. Some could not take the pressure and fell away. But many stood, transformed by the Christ who moved within them, praying for their loved ones. They endured like Joseph in Egypt – the only believer in the True God in the whole nation. If God is with you, you are never alone! Many of our Kazakh friends have family members now in the faith! Joseph also reunited with his whole family. All Egypt stopped to mourn his father Israel Yahweh’s Patriarch. One day our True Israel will be honored in every land, the Living Lord every tongue will confess.