Numbers 32.23 - What happens in Sodom…

Numbers 32.23 - What happens in Sodom…

People who want their dark deeds to stay safely hidden are lured by advertisements promising, “What happens in…, stays in…” “Sin Cities” reap fame and fortune welcoming all who come to purchase their pleasures – from Sodom to Babylon to Pattaya to Las Vegas. Like a moth to the flame, we are drawn ever closer, just ask Lot. But everyone’s phone has a camera, just ask Prince Harry. Much as we try to hold sin’s secrets, they often pop out at just the wrong times. We face them on “Facebook!”  We think we’ve rigged all the pipes and drains in proper array, but then the pipe breaks…yuck! Or, even if you manage to get through life keeping it all locked safe in the closet, your survivors will find the key and feel the shame. Truth is what happens in Sodom – like all sin – will find you out.