Matthew 16.21 - Wimps behind a Warrior

Matthew 16.21 - Wimps behind a Warrior

I’ve read Matthew over 40 years and not appreciated him enough. But now he’s my new favorite Gospel. (That happens with every book I get to preach!) My soul has been stirred by this fresh reading about my Valiant King. What kind of King plans a systematic campaign to achieve His own grisly demise? His name is Jesus. His march to the cross was fully orchestrated and accomplished. Every necessary Truth for His followers’ life and faith is boldly and clearly articulated – even in the face of oppressive authorities – and preserved in Holy Scripture. He never ‘conveniently forgets’ to speak hard truth to those He loves like I do. He’s willing to ‘challenge the friendship’ to call people to real Life. He is never ashamed of the Father. He makes no alliance with evil. The standard is set high and He will die to achieve it.