Matthew 25.41 - Hell? Yes!
Matthew 25.41 - Hell? Yes!
Matthew 25 shows members of the “faith community” sent by Jesus into everlasting judgment. They look “real,” they even do some things genuine believers do, but they are finally lost. They are forever separated from God and His mercies, “Depart from me, you who are cursed” and bound to “eternal fire” (v. 41). They’ll enter “outer darkness…a place (of) weeping and gnashing of teeth” (v. 30), joining “the devil and his angels” (v. 41). Are these images symbolic? Yes. But they symbolize a real place of unimaginable horror. Who talks like this? Jesus - love in human flesh – the One who endured hell’s punishment for all who trust in Him. The one person who knows the full terror of hell is Jesus. He did the most to keep us out of hell. Love declares this terrifying truth before the Day He comes to separate. Hell? It’s your choice.