Mark 8.36 - For God and My Stomach

Mark 8.36 - For God and My Stomach

We lived in a beautiful African country during eight troubled years of their history - through four scary coup d’états. Their national treasury was drained by each dictator who drove off with their Benz convoy full of loot! Their noble motto, “For God and My Country” was mocked by their war weary people, “For God and My Stomach.” People longed that even a bad leader would stay for a season to reduce the “eating.” Politicians in my homeland are not much better. Re-election – looking out for number 1 – is the primary mission of far too many. Even many pastors have jumped on that “gravy train.” Selfishness is global! Every one of us has put “stomach” ahead of “serving others” at one time or another.  But Jesus asks, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8.36).