Luke 7.36-50 - Makin’ Points

Luke 7.36-50 - Makin’ Points

Mary wasn’t trying to make points, but we’re still talking about her gift. She could care less what others saw or said. Rubbing someone’s feet with your hair is a shameful pose. Hurtful disdain from the party VIP’s slowly blew over. Her focus was on loving this man soon to die for her. In the Gospels we find Mary laser-focused on Jesus’ Words, sitting at His feet. He had raised her brother, but torture awaited Him. Today we give gifts and Facebook our magnitude. Churches mount donor plaques on their walls. But self-accolade cannot earn God’s affirmation. Maybe we’re worried Jesus might not see it if we don’t Tweet it. Dare we give just for nothing? He did. When we grasp something of the abandon of His self-giving, we’ll not be so eager to photo bomb His award ceremony – “Thine, O Lord, is the glory and the points!”