John 16.33 - Victim and Victor

John 16.33 - Victim and Victor

This week a Christian sister from “down under” sent me a prophecy she claimed to receive about their elections and the establishment of righteous laws in her homeland. Well, their votes are still being counted. God’s final chapter has not been written for our nations. We should hope! But we should also see from our Lord’s example that Triumphalism and Tragedy are BOTH clear Gospel themes.  Here Matthew presents a beaten Jesus who does not even speak. While John who, wrote decades later - perhaps after His glorious Revelation – reveals that our victim is also a Victor. John knew what Matthew had written, and makes no effort to “harmonize” their messages, because both are true. All the writers of Scripture served the Primary Author – the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16.33)