John 17.17 - Jesus Loves Me…the Bible Tells Me So!

John 17.17 - Jesus Loves Me…the Bible Tells Me So!

There are 5,686 Greek manuscripts in existence today for the New Testament… thousands more than any other ancient writing. The internal consistency of the NT documents is about 99.5% textually pure. That is an amazing accuracy. In addition there are over 19,000 in copies in the Syriac, Latin, Coptic, and Aramaic languages. The total supporting New Testament manuscript base is over 24,000. The N.T. documents were all written before the close of the first century. As Jesus was crucified about 30 A.D., then the entire New Testament was completed within 70 years…there were plenty of people around when the N.T. documents were penned who could have contested the writings…But, there are absolutely no ancient documents contemporary with the first century that contest the New Testament texts.

Author Date Written Earliest Copy Approx. Time Span between original & copy Number of Copies Accuracy of Copies
Plato 427-347 B.C. 900 A.D. 1200yrs 7 ---------
Julius Caesar 100-44 B.C. 900 A.D. 1000yrs 10 ---------
Aristotle 384-322 B.C. 1100 A.D. 1400yrs 49 ---------
Homer (IIiad) 900 B.C. 400 B.C. 500yrs 643 95%
New Testament 1st Cent. A.D. (50-100 A.D) 2nd Cent. A.D. (c 1300 A.D. fragment) less than 100yrs 5686 99.5%

Source: Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry