Hebrews 9.14 - Washed in Blood!

Hebrews 9.14 - Washed in Blood!

To us who know we need it, this is a precious thought. But for those not-yet-Christians it is at least strange, if not sadistic. In our world of war, most people appreciate someone giving their life to defend another. So, Jesus, by shedding His blood, did for His people. His blood is human, not magic. But its value is in His worth. ISIS would rather kill a General than a Private, even better a President. Their status adds value to the kill. So, the sinless, heaven sent, God-man, has eternal status and influence. Hebrew priests entered God’s presence with blood – the atoning price for the sin of their nation. Our Great High Priest enters heaven on our behalf because His cross-work removed our sin - past, present, and future. He belongs there, we don’t! But we are welcomed through His blood. Atonement, Propitiation, Ransom, Deliverance, Freedom, Confidence….!