Hebrews 10.14, 12.14 - Is it well with your soul?

Hebrews 10.14, 12.14 - Is it well with your soul?

Our text declares, “he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified” (10.14). So, how’s being perfect working for you? “Perfection” here is the Hebrews version of “Justification.” Jesus’ cross-work has objectively placed us beyond wrath. We wear His righteousness before God. We are “complete” and “whole” in Him. Contrary to the changing status – based on their compliance with sacrificial duties – of the Old Covenant believer, we are “perfected for all time” – because Jesus’ accomplishment was “once for all.” Two takeaways. 1. Peace.  Amidst the guilt of sin, weakness of your fallenness, disconnect between your “completion” and your conduct, praise God for your perfection in Christ. 2. Push. The perfected are “being sanctified” – intentionally choosing holiness – “holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (12.14). So, take heart, weary soul. Perfection is both a status and a struggle – confidently in Christ!