Jude 3 - A Bit Too Much...

Jude 3 - A Bit Too Much...

Church? Well, maybe once in a while, if nothing better is on. It might help the kids learn how to sit still. Bible reading? Well, that might be good too sometimes. It is considered a classic. At least I could read the 'Cliff Notes' version. Prayer? Sure, that's a good. It can really help me get centered and clear my head. But, what's that you say? Only Jesus? Just the Bible? Prayer in Jesus name...only? So, what about all those other Judge? Really, that is what God says...it's in the Bible!? I never knew that! That makes me feel very uncomfortable. I am a much more open-minded and tolerant person. Frankly, I have my doubts whether any religion is right. My! You'll stake your life on it!? That's way too much for me! I gotta go now....