Revelation - A Sacrament of the Imagination

Revelation - A Sacrament of the Imagination

"There is no indication in the New Testament that the gospel preached by Christians all over the Roman world by the middle of the first century was in any way defective - that the Word and Witness already known to John before he went to Patmos had certain gaps in them which his Revelation was intended to fulfill. No, from that point of view the book of Revelation is quite superfluous. The sixty-five books form Genesis to Jude contain clear and sufficient gospel truth to save the world. To what purpose then serves this sixty-six book of Scripture?... Jesus has given it to us as a sacrament of the imagination, to quicken the pulse and set the soul aflame over the gospel which we all too often take for granted."

Michael Wilcock, "I Saw Heaven Opened" Bible Speaks Today
Commentary on Revelation