When You Consider Ordination
Beijing International Christian Fellowship
It is great and awesome privilege to be ordained or to help someone prepare for ordination. This paper is to guide candidates for ordination and ordaining churches to better understand what is involved in the ordination process. To candidates, God's Word says, "If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task" (1 Tim 3:1). Our prayer is that God would raise up and call many into His service who are scripturally qualified, Spirit-filled, and zealous for His name. To churches, God's Word says, "Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way" (1 Cor 14:40). When we follow this Biblical admonition, we are a model to the candidate, and we reflect the importance we place on ordination.
A candidate for Ordination to the Christian Ministry and subsequent ministerial membership in the BICF will be expected to have a life which is bearing the fruit of the Spirit, and the best of ethical practices. The candidate may be disqualified by any habits or practices in his life which do not glorify in his body, which belongs to God, or which cause any brother in Christ to stumble.
A ministerial standing in the BICF shall require:
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