Matthew 27.62-64 - Spin

Matthew 27.62-64 - Spin

Today’s text is about spin – how to ‘nuance’ the truth into a lie. Jesus claimed to be “the truth.” And it seems He remains unavoidably so even after death. He just won’t go away! This scramble to ‘save face’ by the religious leaders should remind us that we can’t get away from Jesus either. Two thousand years have generated lots of spin. He ‘swooned’ on the cross. They went to the wrong tomb. Those women were delusional. The Bible is corrupt. Pastors are hypocrites (Yikes! Too much truth there!). And the modern spin – Christians are homophobes. Spin it any way you want, Jesus is alive! And every one of us is gonna face Him as Lord and Judge. We can keep on spinning to our grave. Or, we can grasp His feet now in humble worship, receiving and rejoicing in the salvation He won for us upon the cross.

Matthew 28.6 – He is Risen

Matthew 28.6 – He is Risen

Muhammad was 62, Confucius 72, the Buddha 80, and Moses 120 when they died of natural causes. But Jesus was seized and crucified in his early thirties – abandoned by his closest followers.  His shocked followers thought an enormous failure transpired – a man and a movement – dead and gone. The faithful women at the foot of His cross had inconsolable grief. Those who murdered Him had smug relief. Satan and his hordes celebrated. But His suffering, ordained from eternity, won His people eternal life. No human eye saw Jesus rise from the dead - just as His unobserved conception led to His birth. So His silent emergence from the tomb began the risen life of Christ and the new day. Jesus is alive. There is no lack of ‘proof,’ only lack of faith. The stone was rolled away – not to let Jesus out, but to let us in. Come and see!

Matthew 28.19 - Believe, and be Baptized!

Matthew 28.19 - Believe, and be Baptized!

The roots of Christian baptism are in the Old Testament. The Law dictated ceremonial washing for priests (Leviticus 14.8,9). John the Baptizer performed such washings as a rite of repentance (Luke 3.3). His “pre-Christian” baptism led to faith in Messiah (Acts 19.1-7). The Risen Jesus instituted Christian baptism, “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28.18-20). Water symbolizes the Holy Spirit’s inward work. The qualification is discipleship – following Him. Baptism is a beginning; “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” is our life-journey. Baptism announces journey begun; Spirit-enabled obedience keeps us “to the end of the age.”  Baptism symbolizes new life in Christ, a seal of the covenant of grace, and a sign of forgiveness. If you are ready to be baptized, talk to a church leader soon, we hope to have a ZGC Baptism this Easter, April 5.

Matthew 28.20 - God with Us: Worship and Witness

Matthew 28.20 - God with Us – Worship and Witness

“Immanuel” is an Old Testament promise fulfilled in Jesus. Matthew shares two ways God is with us; “where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (18.20), and “Go and make disciples of all nations…I am with you always” (28.19,20). So first we gather to worship Jesus then go out with Him to witness. That’s why He told the Church to “wait” for the Spirit before they could “witness” in the Spirit. Both are vital. Balance is key. Linger too long and you get left behind! He has a Church to build - people to save - battles to win and blessings for the world. It’s His work, but it’s ours too in Immanuel. He’s an “on time” God not a waste time God. Worship Him then witness for Him, because His is the Kingdom, Power, and Glory forever!


Matthew 28.20 - An End and a Beginning

Matthew 28.20 - An End and a Beginning

Today we conclude our series “The King we Follow.” As you have seen, in ZGC we preach through books of the Bible. Sometimes the whole book, sometimes bit by bit. (We studied Matthew 1-7 in 2013). Today’s text describes the end of the Old Covenant. The exclusive Jewish claim on salvation has ended (v. 43) and Gospel opportunities for all nations have begun. Look around this room! The plan of God to redeem a people to declare His praise has taken a magnificent turn – every tongue and tribe are now welcomed in Jesus the Savior of the World! We in ZGC have a new beginning of Gospel opportunity. God has placed us in the capital city of the world’s largest nation to declare His praise. New friends, new Kingdom opportunities, new ways to prove the promises of God we have trusted are now true everywhere.

Mark 3.5 - Holy Anger

Mark 3.5 - Holy Anger?!

Most think anger is sinful. Mine usually is! Anger commonly means sin is not far behind. Many, many, terrible things are done by enraged people…and nations! Today we see Jesus packing a whip. What!? The same Jesus the Bible extols as Sinless? Holy? Innocent?...and now Angry? John does not use the ‘A’ word, but Mark does: “And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart…” (Mark 3.5). Although, our bad example says otherwise, the Bible never calls anger sin. Wrath is an attribute of God Himself. But anger out of control can easily lead to sin. “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger” (Ephesians 4.26). Sleeping with sinful anger spoils the new day. Anger is a powerful God-given and potentially God-honoring emotional energy. “Be angry” for His glory and the saving good of others!

Mark 4.11-13 - Keep it Simple

Mark 4.11-13 - Keep it Simple

Many a teacher has been urged to be simple like the Master who taught in parables. Sounds good. But a careful look at the Bible says otherwise. Sure, the face value of parables is rather obvious – seeds growing into trees, merchants acquiring wealth, and the careless missing opportunities. This is the stuff of life everywhere. But these tales have a hidden twist. Just a few heard the Kingdom secrets. Many hearers neglected the Gospel truths - they were blind to any glimpse of God. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing only comes by faith. Thousands listened for only what they wanted to hear. They thought Him a Jesus of their own image, who would facilitate their agenda. And they fell short of His promised Kingdom. Those who did enter called Him Lord – His will be done, His Kingdom come. God resists the proud, the humble find grace.