Genesis 39 - Joseph Obeys…God Disappoints

Genesis 39 - Joseph Obeys…God Disappoints!?

Genesis 39 documents Joseph’s noble moral strength. But God does not seem to notice! Joseph gets confinement not commendation, prison not praise. Gee, thanks a lot, God!! Perhaps you’ve been similarly abandoned by God. You tithed faithfully, but your business collapsed! You’ve guarded your virginity but you’re still alone! You’ve studied diligently but you failed the course! Your marriage is Christ-centered but you’re childless. Sometimes, our reason for doing good is really to get. We think blessings come by bargaining. We’re like the Elder Brother who stayed home and slaved and got nothing!…while our grubby little “brothers” get everything!! (Luke 15). If “faithfulness” does not reap our definition of “fruitfulness” we are resentful, angry, and bitter. We all struggle here. Sometimes our disappointments in life are created by unbiblical expectations. The path is often painful and twisted, but it will lead to His glory and our good.