Psalm 127.2 - R.I.P.

Psalm 127.2 - R.I.P.

We moderns, especially us old geezers, are ever in search of rest. Our cupboards are filled with labor-saving-devices and our phones are loaded with “smart” apps. Still we have a voracious appetites to go farther and do more. Our boundaries have turned to rubber and our margins are razor-thin. Just how little sleep can we get by on?  So we go vacation. But we can’t help but check our email…for the important stuff, hey, it all is…right? Maybe a massage, or an extra Starbucks will help? So we rush through our “three score and ten” and some well-intentioned family member sticks an R.I.P. slab above our grave. But, not to disrespect the dead, the only sure way to “rest in peace” tomorrow is to find true rest today. Indeed, to miss God’s rest now, is to spend eternity in horrible restlessness! Listen well to our text, find true rest!