Daniel 6.22 - Blameless!

Daniel 6.22 - Blameless!

In this last story about Daniel, even his enemies find him blameless! He has held high office in Babylon now long beyond retirement age, and their microscope of jealousy finds nothing. Well done, brother Daniel!  Therefore, when you read in the Psalms that the psalmists offer up their blamelessness and uprightness and integrity and righteousness to God, don’t over-spiritualize it. Don’t treat it as perfectionism. Don’t think of it as legalism. Don’t demean it as a defective part of the “old covenant.” Take it for what it is: a godly man, who knows he is a sinner, pardoned for God’s name’s sake, justified by grace, trusting God’s mercy, depending on God’s Spirit, taking refuge in God’s protection, delighting in God’s beauty, keeping God’s covenant, and therefore walking in integrity and honesty and uprightness.