Malachi 2.16 - “till death do us part”

Malachi 2.16  - “till death do us part…”

There is one biblical end to marriage – death. Abraham and Sarah had a number of marital challenges. There was unfaithfulness, lying, deceit, along with countless hurts and misunderstandings. In one hundred years of marriage you can give your spouse a lot of pain, even if you are heroes of faith.  But divorce was not an option. Later Moses “allowed” divorce due to “hardness of heart.” But this was a concession to fallen sinners, not God’s creation design. Jesus points us back to the divine blueprint – one man, one woman, for life, “And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery” (Matthew 19.3-9). “God hates divorce” (Malachi 2.16). Not that God hates divorced people, but He hates what divorce does to children, extended families, societies, nations, and to the married couple. The pain and problems last forever.