Matthew 28.6 – He is Risen

Matthew 28.6 – He is Risen

Muhammad was 62, Confucius 72, the Buddha 80, and Moses 120 when they died of natural causes. But Jesus was seized and crucified in his early thirties – abandoned by his closest followers.  His shocked followers thought an enormous failure transpired – a man and a movement – dead and gone. The faithful women at the foot of His cross had inconsolable grief. Those who murdered Him had smug relief. Satan and his hordes celebrated. But His suffering, ordained from eternity, won His people eternal life. No human eye saw Jesus rise from the dead - just as His unobserved conception led to His birth. So His silent emergence from the tomb began the risen life of Christ and the new day. Jesus is alive. There is no lack of ‘proof,’ only lack of faith. The stone was rolled away – not to let Jesus out, but to let us in. Come and see!