Mark 3.5 - Holy Anger

Mark 3.5 - Holy Anger?!

Most think anger is sinful. Mine usually is! Anger commonly means sin is not far behind. Many, many, terrible things are done by enraged people…and nations! Today we see Jesus packing a whip. What!? The same Jesus the Bible extols as Sinless? Holy? Innocent?...and now Angry? John does not use the ‘A’ word, but Mark does: “And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart…” (Mark 3.5). Although, our bad example says otherwise, the Bible never calls anger sin. Wrath is an attribute of God Himself. But anger out of control can easily lead to sin. “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger” (Ephesians 4.26). Sleeping with sinful anger spoils the new day. Anger is a powerful God-given and potentially God-honoring emotional energy. “Be angry” for His glory and the saving good of others!