John 16.8-11 - Have I Gone Too Far?

John 16.8-11 - Have I Gone Too Far?

Only the most foolish soul does not hope to somehow be forgiven. Those of us who claim to follow Jesus are the most guilty! Having now understood and experienced His saving grace – we still sin – regularly! We know better and get worse. Are our forgiveness funds overspent? What about that really bad _______ that you’d be ashamed for your best friend to find out? Do you feel bad about what you have done? Really bad?? Great!! God is at work. Without God we’re dead in sin. Remorse must precede resurrection. The Holy Spirit “convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment” (John 16.8-11). Matthew Henry rightly wrote, “Those who fear they have committed the unpardonable sin give a good sign they have not.” But real security comes when feeling bad leads to true belief, “whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3.16).