John 17 - The Prayer our Lord Prayed

John 17 - The Prayer our Lord Prayed

“The Lord’s Prayer” is our common moniker for the prayer Jesus taught his disciples. This famed prayer is a great one to recite from memory, “When you pray say…” (Luke 11.2); and as a guide for the key subjects of your own extemporaneous prayer, “Pray then like this…” (Matthew 6.9). What a great blessing that Jesus gave us such a useful tool to approach God! Pray it, memorize it, and follow its themes in your prayer life. My first pastor urged our church to reflect on each petition for a week at a time. But Jesus did not need to recite that prayer for Himself, specifically the phrase “forgive us our sins / debts / trespasses” (they’re all good!). However you say it, He did not need to!  Our Savior is sinless. One prayer Jesus ‘needed’ to lift to His Father is in John 17.