John 20.1 - Done!

John 20.1 - Done

He was dead before most young men get their first big job; because His big job was done. We might think He died too young, but on God’s clock it was the fullness of time. Muhammad was 62, Confucius 72, the Buddha 80, and Moses 120 when they died of natural causes. Ask their followers if they’re absolutely certain about their eternal destiny and the best you’ll get is a “I hope so.” Jesus bitter death earned great blessing for all who trust in Him. He died for His Church, paying their enormous debt of guilt and satisfying the wrath of God we deserve. No human eye saw the Lord Jesus rise from death. His silent emergence from the tomb declares “done!” We are free and forgiven by faith in Him. The stone was rolled away – not to let Jesus out, but to let us in. Come and see!