Acts - Change and Constants

Acts - Change and Constants

The Christian life demands knowing what should and should not change. Take this week’s Royal Wedding. Thirty years ago when Charles married young Diana the world appreciated their virginity. Today we hear how ‘great’ is that Will and Kate have ‘lived together’ for years!  Constants constantly change in the world! Acts reveals this navigating is not easy. Even the Jewish religious establishment missed the radical changes God intended in sending Jesus their Messiah. Largely because they ignored what never changes - Scripture. Jesus followers defined themselves by The Book like He did. But hundreds of man-made laws covered its true message like layers of old paint. Jesus’ clear and correct interpretation of the Word He inspired was heresy to those guilty painters. No more blood of bulls, no sacrificial priesthood, not even a Temple in His new covenant. New wine needs new wineskins. But God still uses preachers, like Enoch before the Flood.  Now the whole Roman world can repent and believe, just like Jacob along the Jabbok.  These followers held onto an unchanging God amidst their ever changing world. Acts invites us to follow their challenging journey.