Acts 9.20 - Son of God

Acts 9.20 - Son of God

A zealous Pharisee is the only one to use this provocative title in Acts (9.20). He’ll use it another 15 times in his 13 New Testament letters. A Chinese businesswoman responded with disbelief to me, “So…God had a child?” A Ugandan Muslim soldier holding a gun to my face once said, “You Christians believe in three gods!” The newly published Kazakh language Bible uses “Son of the Most High” to dodge this bullet. If we invented a religion, we might dumb it down a bit! The rough edges that shock and anger other religionists could be sanded a bit smoother. But God does not invite us to edit His Word, but to embrace it. Neither are we to apologize for it, but like Saul – here in his ‘Christian infancy’ – we are to announce it – even in Jewish synagogues! Although we cannot figure out all the intricacies of God’s Word, we are to be faithful to it – to Him. Only He has the Words of life.