Acts 17.6 - Hot Topics

Acts 17.6 - Hot Topics

“If your essay is on politics or religion, I will not accept it!” My high school English teacher was adamant; those controversial topics did not belong in her classroom. The rag-tag apostles of Jesus in Acts had a simple view of politics and religion, it all belonged to Jesus. For them His Word held ultimate authority, His mission was their purpose of life, and His glory was their greatest aim. They spoke boldly when Jewish authorities tried to silence them. They fed hungry widows no matter their race. They led VIP’s – a Queen’s official and a purple seller – into an act of radical self-abandonment. They liberated a slave girl unleashing the anger of her owners. They challenged idolatry even though it rocked the economy. They respectfully obeyed authorities who fulfilled their God appointed calling. Their pulse beat was ‘Jesus is Lord’ over all of life.  And, like their Lord, they paid the ultimate price.