Acts 20.37 - A Good Cry

Acts 20.37 - A Good Cry

September 11, 2001 - all our lives are impacted - ubiquitous searches before travel, the fearful pause seeing someone covered in religious robes, and deep chasms dividing our world. In both this morning and evenings sermon texts – Paul cries! Isn’t Paul a hardened soldier of the Risen Jesus? His theological mind is a steel trap. His mission focus burns like a laser. But these flow from a tender heart. Today we only see religious leaders cry when caught in their moral failures! This overheated world might cool a few degrees if religious leaders shed more good tears. Tears that we fall short of God’s holy and righteous standard. Tears that we are so incredibly loved and blessed. Tears that we know a lot less than we think we do. Tears that too many innocents die in the cross-fire of our foolish hatred. Tears of hope that someday God will dry our eyes.