Acts 26 - Deaf Ears

Acts 26 - Deaf Ears

If you’re asleep right now, or fidgeting for a cozy snoozing position, I am in good company. Most of the sermons in Acts fell on ‘deaf ears.’ Paul’s final sermon here in Acts, perhaps one of his last, is splendid as always. But, the two big shots in the room seem unaffected. The Governor thinks he is crazy, the King thinks he is cute. If you have ever poured out your heart to tell people you love about a God who loves them even more, only to have it land with a thud, welcome to the noble club. Jesus, Peter, Stephen, Paul…. all preached to deaf ears. Not every message brought a Pentecost harvest. Thankfully, somebody thought enough of their messages to record them! And, to those with ‘ears to hear’ these Words from God extend life-giving power for millennia. Ask God to open ears, starting with yours, whenever His Word is spoken.